Board research…

snowboard-catalogThere are two ways to look at buying a new snowboard. The bad news is the cost involved and the good news a new toy. It’s suffered a “De-lam” and although I love the idea of contacting Salamon and asking them to replace the board, the large gauge missing, and chipped edge makes me believe this could be futile.

So sat in a coffee shop, drinking a warm cup of joe, I’ve begun my research and to start with I have been amazed by the number of options. The first thing I have to have in my life is a Burton Throwback Snowboard, they look great and should be a lot of fun on penniless powder days. Something always worth considering if you plan to spend any extended time in a ski resort. Ski resorts are expensive places and having something to mess about on when you cannot afford a lift pass makes total sense.

For me, it’s important to put a plan b in place. I need a fallback option. It helps my mental state and makes me a happier person to be around. Nobody wants time with a miserable person, again another learning from this year.

I’ve been snowboarding for just over a year and as such I need a soft and playful (in other words forgiving and flattering) snowboard. I personally like a flex rating of two or three and need a length of 160cm(ish). The snowboard I choose will need to work with my Salamon Rhythm bindings. I finally decided on the Freestyle Snowboard Men Ride Agenda Wide 157 2016.



Author: thelegoskiman

I thought I had life figured out; I had a company, a good income, a shiny new car and a new build flat in a posh London postcode. Then one fateful day in December 2014 my world imploded, my company suffered an overnight collapse, leaving me both physically and mentally exhausted. During twenty fifteen I have come to terms with many of my demons and have addressed them through therapy, meditation or a combination of both. Finally, I can say I survived the hardest period of my life and as Alfred Pennyworth says; "Why do we fall Mr Wayne? So that one can learn how to get back up."

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