An idea that simply makes sense…

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If like me, you are fed up of trying to read a soggy piste map then this is your answer.  I have dye-sub printed the Piste Map onto high-quality goggles cleaning cloth (it also works for glasses)  These maps are designed to easily fit in your pocket and will not run or smudge due to the printing technology, you can use them time and time again.  Simply dry it out on the radiator and you’ll be good to go.

This map is for the Roc d’Enfer ski plateau, other areas are available upon request.  If you have any questions or to order yours – click here.

Author: thelegoskiman

I thought I had life figured out; I had a company, a good income, a shiny new car and a new build flat in a posh London postcode. Then one fateful day in December 2014 my world imploded, my company suffered an overnight collapse, leaving me both physically and mentally exhausted. During twenty fifteen I have come to terms with many of my demons and have addressed them through therapy, meditation or a combination of both. Finally, I can say I survived the hardest period of my life and as Alfred Pennyworth says; "Why do we fall Mr Wayne? So that one can learn how to get back up."

4 thoughts on “An idea that simply makes sense…”

  1. Hi Jonathan, I like the idea, although you might want to have a look at people like You might have better luck selling to people already in resort. I’ve used some ski apps in the past, but never found them that easy when navigating or trying to find my friends; what does your inner geek think of a skiing social app? Something that would combine SkiTracks and the ability to vreat groups like Crystal Ski’s app…


    1. Hello Danny,
      Thank you for your feedback and the link. I’m actually pleased to learn of competition and even happier to see it’s 60% more expensive. With regards to the app, I like the idea and will have a think about how to code it in a usable format for Andriod, if I manage to get something working, I’ll drop you a message and a link to it. Thanks again for taking the time to feedback.


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