The End is Near…

The season is coming to an end and although the clock change as made the evenings lighter and the mornings are getting warmer making the trek down to the toastie bar much easier.  The walk is now pleasant and the freezing morning temperatures of January are now a distant memory.  The toastie days are great fun; there is something special about creating food, watching people enjoy your product – it warms the soul.  The delight of the Easter holidays are the numbers of people queueing for a toastie.  It’s incredibly satisfying to think hundreds of people have decided to queue for your offering, ignoring all of the alternative eateries to dine with me. am going to miss the toastie bar once the season ends, it’s been an emotional experience full of highs and lows, friendship and drama but most importantly it helped me get back on my feet again.

I am going to miss the toastie bar when the season ends, it’s been an emotional experience full of highs and lows, friendship and drama, but most importantly it helped me get back on my feet again.


Author: thelegoskiman

I thought I had life figured out; I had a company, a good income, a shiny new car and a new build flat in a posh London postcode. Then one fateful day in December 2014 my world imploded, my company suffered an overnight collapse, leaving me both physically and mentally exhausted. During twenty fifteen I have come to terms with many of my demons and have addressed them through therapy, meditation or a combination of both. Finally, I can say I survived the hardest period of my life and as Alfred Pennyworth says; "Why do we fall Mr Wayne? So that one can learn how to get back up."

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