Please keep your skiing tips to yourself…

It’s been a wonderful few days in Morzine, the snow has arrived and wow, it’s dumping most evenings.  I cannot explain the excitement of waking most mornings to fresh snow, it’s similar to being a child on Christmas morning, except Christmas has been coming most days.  The whole atmosphere has changed too, everyone is happy and the toasties bar is heaving.  There’s something very therapeutic about food preparation, the key being you get to make something people then consume and tell you is amazing.  I guess I feel validated and my decision to open this hut was a good one.

In fact, the only thing that has taken the edge off of these perfect conditions are British “know it all” skiers.  These are the skiers who are self-appointed ski instructors and probably have fewer snow hours logged than my adopted dog, Pablo.  If Lindsey Vonn suggested a technique change then, of course, I would listen but a dumb Brit, please keep your ideas to yourself.  There’s nothing more annoying than a self-appointed ski instructor and you know they cannot be a local because ESF (the real ski instructors) would have put a rocket up their ass.  They take the edge off of the day and are normally wrong to boot.  They make a mountain more dangerous and should ideally be banned from the slopes.  Sadly, that will have to remain my little fantasy and I’ll just have to plug in my iPod and listen to my music as I whizz past them and their ill-fated ski lessons.

The season is fast drawing to a close and I can barely believe how quickly this experience has flown by.  It’s had its ups and downs but overall it’s been a positive thing to have done and when I head back to the UK.

An idea that simply makes sense…

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If like me, you are fed up of trying to read a soggy piste map then this is your answer.  I have dye-sub printed the Piste Map onto high-quality goggles cleaning cloth (it also works for glasses)  These maps are designed to easily fit in your pocket and will not run or smudge due to the printing technology, you can use them time and time again.  Simply dry it out on the radiator and you’ll be good to go.

This map is for the Roc d’Enfer ski plateau, other areas are available upon request.  If you have any questions or to order yours – click here.

I made it…

With March beginning, the world seems a lot better.  The school children and their unbearable parents have vacated the slopes and life’s returning to normal.  It’s amazing how the town changes once February comes to an end.  There’s a sense of optimism March brings, snow is falling thick and fast most nights, making the skiing phenomenal.  The world always feels better after an off-piste run through fresh powder.

For me, money has got a little easier with the toastie bar becoming established and now most mornings, there’s a queue.  Phew.  The success of the toastie bar has helped banish the work daemons I had from my old life.  I feel better knowing I’m a functioning member of society, making a valued contribution.  I’m now feeling happier and for the first time in eighteen months, I have savings!