Brexit, what will it mean to UK ski bums?


As someone who spends a vast amount of my life on the continent, what will Brexit mean to me?

The first and scariest thing for any UK national is will I be able to stay in the French Alps. I feel more at home in France than the UK, like many previous seasonnaires, it saddens me to think that the next couple of years may be my last. In the short term, let’s be realistic here.

Firstly, we haven’t filed Article 50, also if Theresa May becomes the next Prime Minister, I doubt it will happen. The last committee set up by a UK government (Chilcot) took seven years to deliver a report and although damning it didn’t suggest legal responsibility.

From a financial point of view, it’s already a different world. The plus side is companies like Transfer Wise offer some of the best rates on the day. Anyone working in France and needing to send money back to the UK to pay bills is probably (like me), happy at the moment, a weaker pound makes UK bills cheaper. I believe it’s time to do a financial spring clean. Looking at all of the deals again and reassessing the options.

Personally, I went with GiffGaff as my UK mobile provider, mainly for the flexibility it offers and a Free mobile sim for France.

My overall view is one of sadness, I hope the UK and France can come to an arrangement allowing us all to work, trade and live as we always have been.